Monday, December 30, 2019
How Will Current Economy Effect the Business in the State of Ohio Free Essay Example, 1000 words
In his research Suttell (2014), reported in Cleveland Business that Ohio s economy is falling behind those of many Great Lakes neighbors. Ohio was ranked number 35 using various measures. A July Jobs Report indicated that Ohio had lost 12,400 jobs in July. This was the worst level of unemployment in the whole country. At number 35 Ohio lie behind other Great Lakes States such as Illinois, Indiana, Michigan and Pennsylvania. Suttell (2014) found that Ohio had a Gross Domestic Product of $40,865. It is expected that this will increase by 3.8 per cent. The state has its strengths in skilled manufacturing workers, low business costs and great healthcare hubs. In 2013, Ohio had a GDP of $565.3 billion. This makes it the 7th largest economy in the U. S. The state is ranked fourth in terms of its manufacturing economy. The factories in this state are the leading in the production of appliances, plastics, fabricated metals and rubber. Ohio is also a leading state in the production of truck s, steel and auto. Ohio s economy is not likely to get into recession or depression because business is growing fast through private investments in Energy, Biohealth, advanced manufacturing, aerospace, logistics and polymers. We will write a custom essay sample on How Will Current Economy Effect the Business in the State of Ohio or any topic specifically for you Only $17.96 $11.86/page Despite Ohio s good looking financial map, many families are struggling with financial insecurity. This is why over 44% of her residents are deep in financial insecurity. This is the latest information released by the Corporation for Enterprise Development. There are many households that have little or no cash reserves to cover emergencies when they arise.
Sunday, December 22, 2019
Essay On Canadian War Effort - 949 Words
Canadas contribution on the home front played a significant role in the war effort. The federal government transformed the Canadian lifestyle by introducing rationing which limited the quantity and type of goods we consumed. On September 3, 1939, Prime Minister Mackenzie King’s government established the Wartime Prices and Trade Board (WPTB) which introduced rationing and controlled prices to avoid inflation. Every Canadian was issued a ration card to buy essentials such as sugar, meat, gasoline etc. Even though the cards restricted the number of goods it ensured the limit was enough to fulfill an individuals need. Special permits were required to purchase cars, appliances, and other resource consuming. Overall, rationing was a†¦show more content†¦The social acceptance of women in the workforce disappeared and they were back in their homes performing the traditional roles of women ex-cooking and cleaning. Additionally, they lost their economic independence and once again had to rely on men for money. Fortunately, some brave women resisted social norms and continued to work. Through their, efforts a national womens rights movement was started that would completely change the economic and social status over the Air Battle of Britain The battle of Britain was the first major battle of world war 2. The purpose of this attack was to get Britain to bomb Britain till they surrender so they can directly invade Britain. It began in september 1940 when the German Luftwaffe bombarding major British cities in a blitz of air attacks. British citizens had to spend their night in underground bomb shelters. Eighty Canadian pilots join the royal air force in order to prevent German attacks. The pilots faced a dangerous task and in the first few weeks, 16 Canadian pilots were killed. However, as time went on there skills and success rates improved. The battle continued until may 1941 and with the help Canadian pilots, 3000 enemy aircraft were shot down. Canada’s contribution was an essential cause of the victory. Battle of Atlantic The battle of Atlantic was one of the longest battles of theShow MoreRelatedCanadian Women and the Second World War1173 Words  | 5 PagesCanada Women and the Second World War The changing roles of women throughout history has been drastic, and none more so than the period during and after World War II. The irrevocable changes that occurred once the war started and women went to work were unprecedented. In the end, the changing role of Canada’s women during the War was the beginning of a chain reaction of events that have forever changed the Canadian workplace and also that of men’s archaic views on the capabilities of womenRead MoreAssess the Role of Canada in the First World War.1500 Words  | 6 PagesAssess the role of Canada in the First World War. 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Saturday, December 14, 2019
World War II and America Free Essays
The world’s greatest war, World War II began in 1939 and lasted for almost six years. It was between two military alliances. On the axis powers were Japan, Germany and the Kingdom of Italy. We will write a custom essay sample on World War II and America or any similar topic only for you Order Now While the allies were lead by United Kingdom, China, Soviet Union and The United States of America. America was not directly involved in the war in the early stages. The necessity increased after the fall of France, the Pearl Harbor incident but mainly when Hitler declared war on U. S. This led to America’s direct involvement in the World War II and helped America to transition from a great power to a super power. World war II started by the deep seated anger in German due to the loss in World War I. Hitler a new leader in Germany transformed it from a defeated state to powerful one with a large army of up to 400,000 men which led to the breaking of the treaty of Versailles (Langley). March 16th 1935 Hitler tore up the treaty of Versailles when he started to build up his army (Nicola Barber) . Although The United States of America had always been an ally in the Second World War its direct involvement did not came after much later. In 1939 its only involvement was to provide arms and ammunition in turn of cash from countries. America was indirectly helping the allies by starving Japan of oil. Winston Churchill repeatedly tried to convince Franklin D. Roosevelt to enter the war but it was after Hitler’s declaration of war, America got directly involved in the war. In 1941 Congress had approved America’s entry into war after which military operations began. Operation Torch on North Africa became US first military operation. German forces surrendered in Tunisia in 1943 and that led to the first US British victory and proved invaluable in changing US public opinion behind the war. The second front for American military action was when Winston Churchill proposed to attack Italy even though there was an urgent need to relieve pressure on Russia from the western front. This attack led to allies invading Italian mainland leading to the capture of Rome. The United States along with other allies continued to attack the Axis powers which led to the retake of Paris in the D-Day Invasion. In the Tokyo Bombing Raids American bombers destroyed up to 250,000 buildings and killed 83,000 in massive fire bombing. It continued to play an important part in the attacks on the Axis Powers, till the end of the war where it dropped two atomic bombs in Japan bringing the war to an end. It is clearly seen by the events of the war that although America was not involved directly at first in the war it played a pivotal role once it became directly involved and it’s most important role was that of bringing the war to an end by destroying one of the main Axis powers, Japan, completely. It is often wondered how The United States Of America reached its position of dominance in the world. And it would not be wrong to link its rise a super power to the results and events of World War II. The characteristics of super power are firstly having a strong stable economy, secondly overpowering military, thirdly immense international political power and lastly strong national ideology. Before the war America was seen as a great power along with many other powerful strong nations like Russia and Britain. It was only after the war that The United States of America emerged as a strong super power and still holds that position. Even in years before the war America was amongst the largest producers in the world. At that time there was no country that had that immense power over the international system. Britain and France were in imperial decline which caused them to lose their international standing. Although America from the start had a stable economy due to the presence of natural resources like oil and steel. Yet its rise to super power was when it surpassed Europe as a major power. Europe was a part of many large destructive wars that left it completely bankrupt and destroyed most of its infra structure which lead to the fall of Europe. Europe being directly involved in wars like the World War I and World War II left it far behind in the race of super powers. America which was although involved in the World War II faced much less damaged compared to the destruction faced by Europe. Soviet Union also a major power failed in the race of super power because of the damages it faced from the World War II but mainly it dropped out because of the fall of the So that left America as the only dominating power in the world which had a stable and large economy with a huge military advantage and immense power over international matters. America was one of the main Allies in the World War II yet it did not face much destruction like other allies it continued to grow and kept its economy stable. And when the other allies failed to rise up America stood as a strong nation. Even when The United States of America was involved in World War II it was not dragged down like other allies including Britain and Soviet Union. This led to the creation of a super power. A country that before the war was just a great power became a super power. Works Cited Langley, Andrew. Living Through World War II. n. d. Nicola Barber, Ken Hills. Headlines of World War II. n. d. How to cite World War II and America, Essays
Friday, December 6, 2019
Pros and Cons of Renewable Energy †Free Samples to Students
Question: Discuss about the Pros and Cons of Renewable Energy. Answer: Introduction Harnessing the power of the sun to produce energy and utilize it in various forms such as electricity, fuel etc is becoming easier and cheaper in the present day scenario. The present electricity generation system is not very efficient in terms of energy transfer(Maqsood 2013). Therefore, a need for a more efficient system was felt. It was in the 1970s during the industrial revolution, that the negative impact of using excessive natural resources was seen. Soon after, scientists realized the consequences of what can happen if alternate methods of energy consumption are not found. Solar energy or energy from the sun is available to the humans in abundance. It is the most abundant resource available than any other resource. The amount of solar power output is about 166PW out of which 85PW reaches the Earth(Khamooshi 2014). The ability to utilize this energy for almost every aspect of energy consumption today has helped the planet breathe once again. The use of solar energy for water heating, taking a bath, shower, and drying crops has had a tradition for a long time(Lakatos 2011). With the burning of fossil fuels in large quantities for consumption as fuel or electricity, large amounts of toxic gases were released into the environment. This harmed the planet as well as every living being on the earth. This paper aims to talk about the benefits and demerits of solar energy, discuss its scope and analyze the project keeping in mind the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats. The paper also aims at creating strategies on the basis of the above. The scope of the project is following -To discuss the merits and demerits of solar power -To discuss strategies that may be implemented keeping in mind it's strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats. One of the most important reasons for the discovery and invention of harnessing solar power was the serious threat to the environment due to the excessive use of non-renewable resources. Main solutions are the semiconductor based photovoltaics (PV) and the mirrored concentrated solar power (CSP)(Kadar 2014). The objectives of this project include analyzing the pros and cons of solar power and enlisting strategies that may be beneficial. The evolution of energy sector worldwide triggered an intense preoccupation on finding alternative renewable energy sources and environmental issues(Lupu 2011). In order to analyze the merits and demerits of solar power, it is imperative to understand what causes them and why. Below are discussed the advantages and disadvantages of solar power generation in detail. The biggest advantage of solar power is that it is available to us in abundance. At present, we are only able to harness a total of about 0.001 percent of the total solar energy available to us. It is said that the amount t of energy produced by the sun in one hour has the potential to meet the global needs of energy for a whole year. Solar energy, as everybody knows, is a renewable form of energy of the truest form. This is an inexhaustible source of energy and the best replacement to other non-renewable energies in India(Phukan 2014). It is available everywhere on the planet and it is only a matter of how one is able to utilize that energy for his or her daily needs. For at least the next 5 billion years, according to the scientists, is how long the solar energy shall be available to us. The second major advantage of utilization of solar power is that it reduces electricity costs. As the solar energy is available to us from the sun, the amount of electricity one generates using solar energy is up to him or her. This utilization as compared to the electricity generated through other means that probe to be more harmful to the environment, is also more cost effective and cheaper than traditional means of generation of electricity. Also, if a person is able to produce more electricity than he uses, the excess energy shall be transferred back to the grid. In the sunny but expensive paradise known as Hawaii, the projected savings were nearly $65,000(Shahan 2013)! This, added on top of minimized electricity bulls, will give bonus payments to the user. Savings can further grow if you sell excess electricity at high rates during the day and then buy electricity from the grid during the evening when the rates are lower(Anonymous 2017). Another advantage of solar power is the fact that it can be converted into heat, electricity or fuel. This proves to be especially helpful and functional in remote areas that do not have access to the traditional means of energy such as villages or places where human access is comparatively difficult like deserts, mountains etc. The sun's rays reach everywhere. Therefore, solar energy is accessible in any place where there is sun. In addition to all the above advantages, solar energy systems are comparatively cheaper to maintain. Once a solar panel is set up on the roof of the house, there is hardly anything else a person might need to do. The only issue with their maintenance, as with any other thing, is to keep them clean. A couple times in a year should be enough. Also, some manufacturers provide warranties of as long as 20-25 years on solar panel systems. As there are no moving parts in the system, there is no wear and tear. The only thing that might need service every 5-10 years is the inverter as that runs continuously to convert energy into electricity. Due to tremendous advances in the technology, there are constant improvements in the solar power industry every day. Due to this, scientists have been able to find ways to almost double and even triple the amount of energy converted in the same amount of time. Disadvantages As with any other technology, there happen to be disadvantages to solar energy systems as well. While solar energy in itself is the purest and cleanest form of energy available on the planet, the cost of installation of solar panel systems that convert this energy into its usable form is pretty high in the beginning at least. There have been certain on-going schemes by the government such as exemptions in tariff to people who use solar panel systems in their homes. However, the initial cost still needs to be paid by the user. Scientists are working around the clock everyday to come up with cheaper means of making solar energy available to one and all. As solar energy is derived from the sun, this method is extremely dependent on the weather in a particular area. In seasons of rain or when the sky is cloudy, solar panels are unable to capture the light from the sun. This results in decreased efficiency of the system. Also, collecting solar energy during the night time is not possible. Another issue with the solar energy system is that the storage of excess energy can prove to be expensive. Solar energy is meant for immediate consumption. Another alternative is to store it in large batteries. These batteries get charged during the day and can be used during the night. However, storage of excess energy in large batteries is an expensive method. Solar panels take up a lot of space to be installed. This is another factor that determines whether one will be able to use a solar energy system or not. The more energy consumption one has, the more number of solar panels he or she will need to install. Sometimes, roofs are not big or spacious enough for the same. This can affect a person's decision of using solar energy systems. Even though solar energy in itself is clean, the manufacturing of solar panels has been associated with the emission of toxic substances that can cause pollution. Even so, this is the least polluting method of energy consumption till date. Scientists are trying everyday to make this system more effective and less costly. SWOT Analysis Strengths - Solar energy's biggest strength is that it is available in abundance. Overall costing of energy is cheaper. Non polluting method of energy consumption. It is an innovative method, technology advanced, one that is advancing every day. It is also easy to outsource. Solar Energy has increasingly been gaining popularity and support from people and governments from all over the world during the past couple of decades(Higgins 2017). Weaknesses- Initial cost is huge. Not available at night. Not available in bad weather conditions. Energy storage is expensive. Takes up a lot of space. Material used for making solar panels is associated with creating pollution. It is not very reliable. Opportunities- Has a greater advantage over fossil fuels as it is abundant and less polluting. Newer technology. Potential for advancements. Emerging markets target. Availability of power and heat in remote areas. Creates job opportunities. Threats- High price of initial installation. Strategy Specification Creating an effective set of strategies is essential to the implementation of any plan. Conducting regular research allows you to understand your key contacts, and the challenges they face(Watson 2014). It is essential to get maximum effect from your specification sales team by developing a strategy to ensure they are focusing their efforts on building long term relationships with the specifiers(Ashworth 2015). Below are a few strategies that can be utilized for effective implementation of solar energy systems. Solar energy, being the abundant resource that it is, has an added advantage over other natural resources that are non-renewable. However, one of the main issues with solar energy systems is the costing. Scientists are trying to figure out ways to make solar energy systems inexpensive. This strategy can prove to be extremely beneficial to the environment. It will also result in reduced costs of electricity for one and all. Solar energy as it is happens to be clean and pollution free. The only disadvantage is the association of manufacturing of solar panels with emission of polluting substances. Research for technologies that can eliminate the emission of toxic substances can help in giving a boost to the demand of solar panels by users. Not much can be done about the fact that solar energy is available only during the day. This tends o pose a problem when during night and in bad weather conditions. Even though the option of storing energy in batteries has already been provided as a solution, newer innovative techniques are needed to make solar energy systems more reliable during phases when the sun might not be available. Even though a good amount of electricity is generated using solar energy, about 60% of energy ends up being wasted, while only 40% is actually utilized(Higgins 2017). A lot also depends on making the general public aware of a product. Even though the initial cost of solar panel systems is high, the user must be made aware of the fact that the benefits of solar energy are long term. The costs comparison also shows that solar energy is cheaper in the long term. Conclusion Solar energy system is the technology of the future. Even though the concept is fairly new, it has great potential. Being one of the cleanest forms of energy generation and consumption systems, solar energy has minimal to no polluting factors. It can provide energy in remote areas which are not very easily accessible. Although dependant on the sun and weather conditions, solar energy can be stored in batteries and utilizes in times of need. As most of the consumption of energy by humans takes place during the day, it proves to be an effective tool and method for energy consumption. Solar energy does have some disadvantages like any other technology, one of them being the high initial cost of installation. However, scientists are trying to figure out ways to tackle this problem effectively. If they are successful, it will be possible to provide cheap energy to one and all. References Anonymous 2017, Pros and Cons of Solar Energy, viewed 5 october 2017, Ashworth, C 2015, Creating an effective specification strategy, viewed 4 october 2017, Higgins, M 2017, Advantages and Disadvantages of Solar Energy, viewed 5 october 2017, Kadar, P 2014, 'Pros and Cons of the Renewable Energy', Acta Polytechnica Hungarica, vol 11, no. 4, pp. 211-224. Khamooshi, M 2014, 'A Review of Solar Photovoltaic Concentrators', International Journal of Photoenergy, p. 17. Lakatos, L 2011, 'Advantages and Disadvantages of Solar Energy and Wind-Power Utilization', The Journal of New Paradigm Research , vol 67, no. 6, pp. 395-408. Lupu, AG 2011, 'SWOT analysis of the renewable energy sources in Romania - case study: solar energy', IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, vol 147, no. 1. Maqsood, M 2013, 'Wireless electricity (Power) transmission using solar based', Journal of Physics: Conference Series, pp. 1-8. Phukan, RS 2014, Solar Energy in India Pros, Cons and the Future, viewed 3 october 2017, Shahan, Z 2013, Advantages Disadvantages Of Solar Power, viewed 4 october 2017, Watson, H 2014, Specification Strategy 5 steps to building strong relationships with specifie, viewed 5 october 2017,
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